
Graduates 2024

Finalists of the open call "Graduates 2024"

Jul 12 — Sep 7, 2024

Artists: Milica Andjelić, Stefan Bošković, Sofija Brkić, Sonja Ćurin, Dunja Dimitrijević, Bogdan Dimčić, Katarina Gujaničić, Jana Jovašević, Radmila Korać, Nikola Krstić, Mia Manić, Anastasija Milićević, Nikola Pavković, Anja Preradović, Katarina Rakić, Ana Simić, Marta Srbulj, Relja Stevanović, Mina Stojadinović, Nevena Stojinov, Jovana Tašin, Milica Tica, Aleksandra Veljović, Milica Vujanović, Luka Vujović

Curators: Mirjana Dušić & Ljuba Jovićević

Design: Isidora M. Nikolić

Opening: Friday, Jul 12 at 8pm

Duration: Jul 12 — Sep 7, 2024

About exhibition

After graduating, the omnipresent uncertainty is perhaps best manifested in the world of art, where the already complicated situation of exhibiting is complicated by the status of young, unestablished artists. Having obtained a degree, often completely unprepared, artists face the first real existential question - what now?

Focused on creative work, artists are occupied during their studies with the search for an authentic idea and appropriate artistic expression, while in the future they have to face the fact that the full potential of a work of art is fulfilled only when it leaves the studio, in communication with the audience. Finding a way to fight for their visibility on the art scene requires a different kind of effort and sacrifice, and without adequate support, most of them remain helpless and left to chance. 

Knowing the rules, conditions and possibilities of young artists, their networking with other colleagues, galleries and collectors in the country and abroad, as well as raising social awareness of the importance of contemporary art, should represent a significant interdisciplinary field for discussion and constant improvement.

Guided by such ideas, the DOTS Foundation started the Young Art program in 2021 with the aim of encouraging, promoting and financing the creations of young artists. During a period of two years, artists were enabled to exchange ideas and gain greater visibility on the art market through exhibition activities and cooperation with artists and curators in the country and abroad. The visibility of artists was encouraged through the publication of publications as well as their promotion on the website and social networks.

Part of this year's program dedicated to young people, the DOTS Gallery is conducting a competition called "Graduates" intended for artists up to the age of 30 who have completed undergraduate or master's studies in 2024.

Twenty-five authors represent the diversity and potential of the young art scene in Serbia. Three selected works of art will win a cash prize with the aim of further encouraging the further production of these artists.

Creativity in the process of formal design, the complexity of the performance of the artistic work as well as the choice of topic supported by a clearly presented concept in the written explanation are the basic parameters by which the DOTS Gallery team was guided when selecting the exhibitor.

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