Lena MilovanovićEmbroidery 22022Thread embroidery and plate10 x 10 cm14,000.00 din (approx 119 eur)soldLena MilovanovićMother2022Acryl on canvas200 x 150 cm186,000.00 din (approx 1587 eur)add to cartSlavica DragosavacSea2023Photo mechanical process60 x 75 cm85,000.00 din (approx 725 eur)add to cartLazar StojićLandscape (dyptih)2022Photography2 x (40 x 30) cm48,000.00 din (approx 410 eur)add to cartLazar StojićMaterial Value2020UV print on bronze10 x 17,5 x 3 cm - each103,000.00 din (approx 879 eur)add to cartVanja SubotićNaked Water series 102022Drawing17,5 x 17,5 cm14,000.00 din (approx 119 eur)add to cartLena MilovanovićThe Embrace series 32022Drawing65 x 50 cm24,000.00 din (approx 205 eur)add to cartLazar StojićPark 1 (dyptih)2022Photography2 x (40 x 30) cm48,000.00 din (approx 410 eur)add to cartLazar StojićEuro Window 2002023Plexiglass, spray paint, graphite pencil30 x 40 cm31,000.00 din (approx 265 eur)add to cartVanja SubotićNaked Water series 122022Drawing20 x 20 cm14,000.00 din (approx 119 eur)add to cartBogdan DjukanovicFake News (small v) 22023Paper mache made of tabloids60 x 40 cm85,000.00 din (approx 725 eur)soldBogdan DjukanovicDeleting Personal2022Mixed media200 x 125 x 3 cm125,000.00 din (approx 1067 eur)sold